Growing stronger is my West End based gym class. In this session we have access to more gym equipment including CV equipment, TRX, dumbells and barbells.
In this class, we will start to increase the volume of weights and cardio intensity. Don’t worry if you have never trained before, we always progress things at a rate that works for you. If you are pregnant or a new mum classes are still suitable, we always start with bodyweight or very light weights and progress from there. The heavier weights are always there as an option and we always safely progress exercises.
If you are post natal your must have had your six week check up at the GP and be cleared to exercise, if you have had a vaginal birth you can attend class from 6-8 weeks and if you have had a c-section advice is waiting until you are 8-10 weeks post partum. If you are pregnant some contraindications will prevent you from exercising, just get in touch if you have any questions.
If it’s your first class don’t forget to complete a Health Questionaire (Par Q) before you pop down to class.